
Faces of the Zanskar All Girls School

The faces of the children are so heartwarming. They are eager learners and excited about the future with their beautiful open hearts. From the initial 9 girls, the school has grown to over 30 girls and continues to blossom.

Your Generous donations are welcome via Paypal and GoFundMe


2023 Updates and Gratitude

When the students complete elementary school, they can elect to attend the Indian Government School (they are bussed) from the Dorje Zong School) or they can move to Dharamsala, a community of Tibetans where the Dalai Lama resides, and attend Dolma Ling University. When entering there they begin a 16 year program in Buddhist Philosophy. This leads to the prestigious degree of Geshema (PhD). We have 8 young women in their 3rd year. 

The Great Push to build a larger school and help educate additional girls in Zanskar has exceeded our original expectations. 

What this means is the original school served nine (9) girls and we had planned to build a larger schoolhouse and serve thirty-two girls (32). Additionally we wanted the school to be built of a quality that would enable residence for the entire year, including windows to brighten up the insides and increase usability. Remember that the original school was two rooms and no windows, and was inadequate for the winter in this remote region. 

Our initial support for the school was incredible. In two years we were able to build a new school that is now occupied year round. The enrollment is now fifty (50) girls and additional teachers have been hired as well. The local people have been helpful in the construction of the school and we are extremely grateful.

Our expectations have been exceeded and it is gratifying to know that these young women will take their education and teach their children. Others will now have the opportunity to go onward to higher learning. The value of education is priceless! 

All of this was made possible by you, our generous donors. Your generosities have furthered young women’s education and helped preserve Tibetan Culture and Language.
As we close out our year we at Deep Roots Himalayan Foundation ask again for your support.

 Please give generously, Your Support is appreciated beyond measure.

Support One Teacher for a Year $2,500.00 (4)
Support one Child for a Year $450.00 (50)
Support the School Operation $200.00 to $500.00
Maintenance Fund $20.00 to $200.00

Deep Roots Himalayan Foundation 

Anet Carlin, President


Deep Roots Himalayan Foundation is a 501C3 organization.

Visit our Website for some Pictures:

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Deep Roots Himalayan Foundation
5529 Tunitas Ave.
Atascadero, CA 93422-3476

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Fall 2018 Project Updates

Zanskar Tibetan School for Girls The incredible Zanskar School for Girls have me yet another milestone in building the school, adding all the doors and windows, Winterizing the roof and exterior, and furnishing the interior for classes and study. It is way beyond exciting to see these photos. As you may know the shipment of photos from Zanskar involves many hands to carry things to an area where there is internet. I am sure the internet will arrive at some time in the future, for now we will post when we have new material.

Zanskar Tibetan School for Girls See Our Facebook page and give it a like, is you have not already. The generosity and cooperation that has made this possible is from all of you. I thank each of you personally an I thank all of you as a group. It is quite overwhelming to see the progress that has been made and continues to be made in the quest to increase women’s education in Zanskar. Thank You! I am humbled by your generosity