
Fall 2018 Project Updates

Zanskar Tibetan School for Girls The incredible Zanskar School for Girls have me yet another milestone in building the school, adding all the doors and windows, Winterizing the roof and exterior, and furnishing the interior for classes and study. It is way beyond exciting to see these photos. As you may know the shipment of photos from Zanskar involves many hands to carry things to an area where there is internet. I am sure the internet will arrive at some time in the future, for now we will post when we have new material.

Zanskar Tibetan School for Girls See Our Facebook page and give it a like, is you have not already. The generosity and cooperation that has made this possible is from all of you. I thank each of you personally an I thank all of you as a group. It is quite overwhelming to see the progress that has been made and continues to be made in the quest to increase women’s education in Zanskar. Thank You! I am humbled by your generosity